Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Book Quiz

Welcome to the ultimate “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” book quiz! Step into the magical world of Hogwarts as we test your knowledge of J.K. Rowling’s beloved first installment in the Harry Potter series.

Are you ready to put your Hogwarts knowledge to the test? Let the magic begin!

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Book Quiz

1 / 15

How many inches is the length of Harry’s wand?

2 / 15

What relation of Ron’s is an accountant?

3 / 15

How many staircases are in Hogwarts?

4 / 15

According to Professor Snape, where would you find a bezoar?

5 / 15

Who accompanies Vernon, Petunia, Dudley and Harry to the zoo?

6 / 15

Vernon Dursley drove his family to a hotel in a desperate bid to escape Harry’s Hogwarts letters. Where was this hotel located?

7 / 15

What Hogwarts House is Terry Boot sorted into?

8 / 15

On his chocolate frog card, what muggle sport is Dumbledore revealed to enjoy?

9 / 15

What does Harry receive from the Dursleys for Christmas in 1991?

10 / 15

What percentage score did Hermione receive in her end of year Charms exam?

11 / 15

Which of the following Weasley family members does Harry speak to first?

12 / 15

According to the library book Hermione finds, which birthday has Nicholas Flamel just celebrated?

13 / 15

What position does Harry play in the chess match under the trapdoor?

14 / 15

What is the species of snake that Harry lets loose on Dudley’s 11th birthday?

15 / 15

What is the name of the Hogwarts Astronomy professor?

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